The Diversity Consortium can

jump-start your supplier diversity program to best-in-class standards

with both industry benchmarks and the path to world-class performance

Top view of Business people team working together at office desk

The Supplier Diversity Assessment provides an end-to-end evaluation of your current supplier diversity program and how it supports your Corporate Supplier Diversity Strategy.

This includes industry and world-class benchmarks, with a roadmap to achieve your objectives – completed in 30 days. With information readily available and an understanding of your vision, we evaluate current performance to goals by evaluating the breadth of your supplier diversity and supplier development programs and deliver best-in-class support to achieve success.

Areas of Focus

The report evaluates the current program against 15 facets rating performance to your goals and your peer group.

Know your actual XBE spend by category and type

Sourcing process improvements to meet your diversity goals

Understanding the socio-economic and community spend impact

Strategy enhancements to achieve your program goals

Assess staff training to optimize your XBE supplier spend

Improved availability of XBE resources & providers

Comparison of your program performance to your peer group

Improved company & supplier accessibility

Opportunities to improve diversity spend information availability

Accurate information to make business decisions without disruption

Understanding key suppliers’ abilities to fulfil your needs

Understanding key suppliers’ abilities to grow with your needs

Reduced operational and reputational risk from suppliers

Expanded XBE availability and community engagement

Improved quality & consistency of XBE service delivery

Assessment Process

Data Collection

Client completes standard data request

Data Analysis

Data analysis & evaluation

Additional requests & clarifications

Report Prep

Partner analyses, findings and evaluations

Roadmap development


Review of findings with client


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Your trusted source for diversity strategies, supplier solutions, and community impact

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If you would like to speak with someone about XBE Virtual Office or any of the other services The Diversity Consortium and our Service Partners offer please reach out to or call 919.502.3104